Aqua Culture Swim School is
Maryland’s Premier Swim School!
Our Mission:
The Aqua Culture Swim School mission is to grow happy, healthy, responsible kids who love to learn.
We strive to accomplish this by:
- Providing a fun and exciting learning environment
- Maintaining a child centered staff and facility
- Helping children remain safe
- Loving and encouraging each child’s innate worth
- Expecting the best and encouraging each child to fulfill their potential
Learn more about us:
Our Guiding Principles – Our core values determine our every decision.
Our Staff – The people who work at Aqua Culture are what sets us apart in a sea of activity opportunities.
We do business by the Book
Aqua Culture Training Center & Swim School is owned and operated according to Biblical principles.
Guiding Principles
- Unconditional Respect: Respect must be unconditional or trust and security is lost. Always maintain respect regardless of the other person’s behavior.
- Integrity: Do what you say, when you say and how you say. Be a person of your word.
- Passion for Excellence: The devil really is in the details. Approach every task with an intent to do the best possible job.
- Health and Safety: It is each individual’s responsibility to be safer and promote good health both at work and in their personal life.
“In matters of style swim with the current, in matters of principle, stand like a rock.”
Thomas Jefferson
Our Staff
What Makes Aqua Culture Swim School Different?
The people who work here. All of our instructors love children and have a burning desire to see your child grow into a happy, healthy, responsible kid. They are seasoned professionals, certified by American Red Cross and/or the US Swim School Association who are committed to a lifetime of learning. When we were in the planning stages for our swim school we realized that we wanted to do more than build another pool and teach kids front crawl. If we were going to pour our lives into something it needed to be bigger than that. We see teaching swimming and water safety as an opportunity. An opportunity to invest our lives in your children and accomplish our mission of growing happy, healthy, responsible kids who love to learn. For some of your children this will be their first organized learning experience and we are committed to making it a fun and exciting experience where they feel loved and valued. We believe in this mission so strongly that we developed a mission statement and seven guiding principles that we use to evaluate every decision. Leslie and Wayne visited swim schools all over the country interviewing owners and looking at facilities so that we could provide for you a program and facility that is not only the culmination of our dreams and experience but the experience of many others. We hope that you will give us the opportunity to serve your family.
Wayne & Leslie Ziegler

Staff Qualifications
- Highly Trained and Certified Instructors
- Innovative, Child Focused, Aquatic Educational Philosophy and Curriculum
- American Red Cross Authorized Provider
Wayne & Leslie Ziegler